activity in the hostel

Every Thursday's night,we will attend tazkirah .we will hear tazkirah from ustaz. All students living in the hostel are required to attend because this tazkirah is very important in shaping atrue muslim. Ustaz also provides us with helpful advice that we can use every day. This council can also enchance the image of the exhibition and be exemplified by other institutes.and on the Friday students will pray and read yasin at dataran ilmu

in the evening when the class finishes we will play the ball to release the strees in the classroom and be able to spare the game. This ball is good for the body and the muscles and bones will grow stronger with movements made in soccer games, such as running, jump, and kick the ball. Moving your legs for 90 minutes will train our foot muscles. Not only that, the upper body and arm muscles also work and help body movements like kicking, jumping, tackling and blocking. In addition, the body of the chest also moves to the ball.


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